Release Notes

Find the latest updates, recent changes, feature enhancements, or bug fixes.

Version 1.4.7

October 1st, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-925 – Fixed error when disabling the OnSite Data Collection tool in the events, appointment notes and data sections.
  • OP-963 – When users were imported into the agency, the line 1 of the address was not being added with the Excel information.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-924 – Do not display the inactive addresses of clients in Autocomplete tool.
  • OP-926 – In the Summary table of the Monthly, zero is allowed to be displayed instead of -.
  • OP-964 – Prevent the signature by the caregiver of future events in the Calendar or Reports.

➕ Added:

  • OP-921 – On the Agency’s Template documents configuration, added Allowed Statuses (All available statuses for this document to transition to. Default: ALL) and Completion Statuses (The statuses where the document will be considered completed. Default: LOCKED)
  • OP-927 – Added option to Cancel/Uncancel events on Report section.
  • OP-928 – Added configuration in the agency to allow events to be partially billed and not require billing codes to be created.
  • OP-957 – In the Reports New section, the option was added to generate a report with the name of the Agency’s clients and the units of their Prior Authorizations that are active.

Version 1.4.6

September 2nd, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-821: Bug fixed when doing the on-site collection from the mobile application, it did not allow filtering by category.
  • OP-893: Fixed bug, when backing up documents to the client on days when the analyst has two notes, one for each event, only the note of one event was downloaded.
  • OP-900: Bug fixes in backups when downloading the user Backup, only one client was downloaded.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-607: Allow Agency to Determine How The Name of the Clients or Users are displayed on the Dashboard. Ex: {firstName} {middleName} {lastName} or {lastName}, {firstName} {middleName}.
  • OP-797: In the On-site Collection section for the items that are configured in Frequency, differentiate when they are collected with 0 and when they are not collected with N/A to define if there was data collection or not.
  • OP-827: In the Files section of the Users, allow the administrator access to view deleted files as well as to view uploaded files.
  • OP-829: Do not allow events to be scheduled prior to the user’s date of hire.
  • OP-849: Within the client’s Prior Authorizations, these Status options (Used/Denied/Pending) have been removed.
  • OP-855: When the client has more than one type of service plan, allow changing the type of service plan in Datasheets and Charts.
  • OP-911: By default, the Onsite Collection tool will list all items in all categories and subcategories of the service plan.

➕ Added:

  • OP-592: Adding voice calling within Office Puzzle for Agency’s Administrators to contact their Account Manager.
  • OP-666: In the File section of Clients/Users, when several files are being uploaded to the platform, a Clear option has been added in case the selected files are not the correct ones.
  • OP-693: In the client datasheets, the Estimated End dates box was added to show in the header of the table.
  • OP-828: Added as an option in the chart configuration, adding the X-Axis dates/labels vertically, as well as reducing the font size.
  • OP-837: Drop down options have been added to the Actions Button in the Files section, either Agency, User or Client.
  • OP-851: Added to the user to have specific IP restrictions when logging in and the system prompts for Multifactor authentication.
  • OP-891: Added Start date and end date fields for agency addresses, so that the client’s data sheet shows that address at that time.
  • OP-895: Within any signature box, allow the client to sign if he/she is over 18 years of age.
  • OP-923: A new data set called “Levels” has been added to the graphs, which will plot the levels used in the graph, mainly for the Intensity graphs.

Version 1.4.5

August 2nd, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-735 – Fixed filtering by event type in the tool for inserting Total hours in the Supervision log.
  • OP-736 – Fixed that when you try to change the Lead Time option in Data Collection to No restriction and click on Update, the change is kept.
  • OP-755 – Fixed matching between items in the Service Plan and the Charts, sorted alphabetically.
  • OP-813 – Fixed a 404 error that appeared when trying to download a client’s Backup.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-780 – The name of the address has been added to the Place of Service drop-down menu of the event.
  • OP-785 – The color that shows Ignored status in the HR required documents section has been changed, to avoid confusing them with Delivered status.
  • OP-791 – Improve the creation of new Payers from the Catalog by shortening the list of options and displaying their identifying logo.
  • OP-798 – Prevent duplication of events when a claim or an invoice is created by selecting the Manual option.
  • OP-801 – Do not show inactive physicians in the client’s Clinical tab.
  • OP-802 – In the Autocomplete tool when Direct implementation is selected, the categories to which the user does not have access are not displayed.
  • OP-803 – Prevent the display of inactive baselines in the Summary data table for each category in the Monthly Summary.

➕ Added:

  • OP-543 – Added an Error warning in the Reports section when an event is not linked to a document it should be linked to.
  • OP-714 – Added a Select all option in the agency Calendar, so that all clients can be selected at once.
  • OP-730 – Added the list with each recipient/user in the agency when sending Announcements.
  • OP-742 – A view of the remaining unit usage has been added to the client’s Clinical tab.
  • OP-760 – A new option has been added under Agency > Clients > Actions > Backup Clients, which allows to download backups of several clients at once
  • OP-793 – Added Currency configuration at agency level, to include currencies from all over the world, not only USD.
  • OP-806 – Added an option for Supervisor to view the Dashboard within the profile of those Supervisor users.
  • OP-809 – Addition of new responses in the “Result of the interventions” option within the Autocomplete tool.
  • OP-811 – Within the Document Status section of the agency’s Home page, a subsection has been added for the status of the Auto Locked documents.

Version 1.4.4

July 5th, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-484 – Fixed bug when searching Invoices on multiple pages, the same invoices appear in both.
  • OP-485 – Fixed bug when Event is not taking into consideration Agency’s Configured Localization (a custom configuration for the week, starting on Thursday, for example).
  • OP-486 – Fixed bug when Importing Reinforcers to Service Plan items, there are not importing the Recommended.
  • OP-498 – Fixed bug when ordering by Clients & Date on the Reports section.
  • OP-562 – Fixed bug on Charts section, graph did not have correct height.
  • OP-664 – Fixed bug when importing client for another agency, the clients names were in blank.
  • OP-669 – Corrected the wrong mastering line of the Objectives in the Charts, which were displayed in the next month.
  • OP-690 – Fixed visual calendar problem when opening the platform on the tablet, overlapping calendars.
  • OP-704 – Fixed displaying the Chart drop-down options when the user uses the platform in dark mode.
  • OP-708 – Fixed that if there is an agency level restriction to create an event, it can be created from the document section.
  • OP-718 – Fixed when adding the distance fee to the user invoices, do not show the fee for the duration of the transfer.
  • OP-740 – Fixed Error when opening Files folder on IOS devices
  • OP-747 – Corrected when the document has Reviewed status and allowed to be modified

✅ Improved:

  • OP-482 – Improving the Units’ interval for the Authorization within the Prior Authorizations, by setting Unit and Event.
  • OP-505 – Improved the action of Create invoices from Batch Claims
  • OP-618 – Inserting a link in the Data description leads to the added hyperlink.
  • OP-700 – Prevent the display of documents whose document type has been deleted.
  • OP-702 – Manage whether a customer’s address is active/inactive
  • OP-707 – Prevent deleted category items from displaying in the On-site collection tab within the event in Calendar
  • OP-717 – Prevent displaying inactive client diagnoses on the platform
  • OP-723 – Allowed Certain Event Types to Skip Global Configurations, on the Agency configuration for Events.
  • OP-753 – Navigation Global search, simplifying quick search for users and administrators (top right corner, next to the agency icon)

➕ Added:

  • OP-03 – Adding a Dynamic table for Environmental Changes on the Monthlies.
  • OP-11 – Added some required fields within templates when trying to save the document or changing the status.
  • OP-24 – Added a template tool for users to be able to modify documents templates.
  • OP-436 – Adding Backups tab on the Manage section on the User profile.
  • OP-446 – Adding Devices section on the Dashboard on the User profile.
  • OP-447 – Added Response and Level of Prompt in the Autocomplete tool, displaying the level of prompt for goals and the response to intervention for behaviors.
  • OP-668 – In the Reports (New) section, a subsection has been added for Datasheets, where the category, type of data collection and its status are displayed.
  • OP-692 – Added increase and decrease of font size of documents
  • OP-699 – Added Claim Status filter when creating invoices for users
  • OP-737 – Added Google SSO (Single sign-on) when logging into the platform.
  • OP-738 – When creating the Client Billing Claims from Events, added Payer filter.
  • OP-745 – Added visibility field in the templates of the agency’s document types, determining who can see that type of documents and who cannot.
  • OP-749 – Addition of a File upload tab within the Prior Authorization of the client
  • OP-754 – A multi-level of categories was added to the Client Service Plan by adding Subcategories.

Version 1.4.3

April 1st, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-584 – Fixed the functionality to sort alphabetically the companies/users, in the Payments/Invoices section.
  • OP-649 – Events are correctly sorted in the Event Preview window in the Claims/Invoices section
  • OP-650 – The correct remittance values are displayed in the Health Plan table under Payers in the Agency’s Billing settings.
  • OP-665 – Fixed bug in the section of the behaviors in the On-site data collection, which were not displayed correctly.
  • OP-671 – Fixed bug on Calendar when events were not appearing.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-433 – The Admin and Providers home page has been improved, providing much more information, making better use of screen space, and adding shortcuts to Users/Clients and Documents (divided by status) as well as adding a golden bell on the top bar where notifications are displayed.
  • OP-662 – Billing Event Merging – Allows you to control what happens when two visits occur on the same day for the same provider, same billing code but different service location. Possible options are the First (Default) and the Longest (New option now).
  • OP-670 – Allowed to sort in Payments/Claims section by date.
  • OP-680 – Improve Event Preview Mode – The event preview, when creating Claims and Invoices, now shows if there are errors without having to open them or expand the list.
  • OP-682 – Allow Review of the user’s own documents, within the agency configuration, the document type controls whether documents can be self-reviewed.

➕ Added:

  • OP-648 – The option to perform Backups for Users has been added, as it was available for Clients.
  • OP-661 – Added Minimum Duration to Events – it is now allowed in the agency settings for events to have a minimum duration.
  • OP-675 – Allowed Lead/Lag time for HR documents (documents that expire), they now have a timeout to allow the restriction on them to expire earlier or later.
  • OP-681 – Adding status to the Events, to be displayed in Reports : Cancelled / On Going / Completed / Deleted / Scheduled/Pending.

Version 1.4.2

March 1st, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-603 – When a required document was removed from the agency, it was not removed from the user’s section.
  • OP-614 – Prevent graphs shaking, on Chart section.
  • OP-615 – Intensity, as a Dataset, was not displayed in the Charts.
  • OP-619 – Added the description back, when create Items from Service Plan Library.
  • OP-629 – The datasheets were incomplete when making a backup of the client.
  • OP-636 – Prevent creating health plan rate without at least one billing code, on Payers(Agency’s Billing section).

✅ Improved:

  • OP-624 – On the Rate tab, within the User’s Manage section, it’s allowed to select the client to whom this rate applies.
  • OP-627 – Restrict adding new authorizations to a client’s Prior Authorization if the billing code is already added.
  • OP-633 – Allow filtering by billing codes when creating Claims or Invoices from their respective sections.
  • OP-637 – Add events to the supervision log directly from the Calendar once the document is created.

➕ Added:

  • OP-55 – Enabled multifactor authentication when logging in to the platform: SMS 2FA (OP-121), Google 2FA (OP-122), Email 2FA (OP-123).
  • OP-613 – Enabled Data Collection from the Appointment note.
  • OP-621 – Added session as interval option, on the Charts section.
  • OP-622 – Added Additional Fields to the Claim from the Health Plan configuration: provider_signature_indicator / provider_accept_assignment_code / benefits_assignment_certification_indicator / release_of_information_code / patient_signature_source_code / related_cause_code.
  • OP-626 – On Data section, added a Raw Data subsection, where users can export a client’s data over a period of time, for all or selected service plan items.
  • OP-634 – In the Charts section, a graph was added at the beginning of each category, where all the performances are shown.
  • OP-639 – Added a Cooper (5:8) aspect ratio to the Charts section.
  • OP-640 – Added Pharmacies tab and fields like Race, Ethnicity and Marital Status to the Client Profile.

Version 1.4.1

February 1st, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-546 – Fixed bug where Gaps were not created within the baseline.
  • OP-577 – Prevent creation of Events with more units than allowed.
  • OP-599 – Fixed bug where charts were added to the monthly.
  • OP-601 – Fixed bug where claims were created, the system was adding the events with errors.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-579 –  When creating the claims, add an Events Preview window to visualize all the found events, before actually creating them.
  • OP-597 – The Icon for Rejected status on Documents were changed to be almost a closed padlock (similar to Locked status).
  • OP-600 – Improve File Explorer: * Allowing Folders * Moving Help shortcut to the top bar * Allowing Resources to be in left bar, allowing table view as well
  • OP-602 – Improve Billing Events Filtering – Within the Select Range window: * Add filter for Users/BusinessUnits/EventTypes. Within the Preview Events window: * Add more info like total hours, units. * Add the icon showing if this is a success (no errors).
  • OP-604 – Improve Invoices section, allowing multiple invoices creation at once for the entire agency.
  • OP-609 – Send email notification to user when a document is rejected

➕ Added:

  • OP-580 – Add Estimated End Date to Objectives, allowing that objective to have an Estimated End Date following Medicaid Guidelines.
  • OP-583 – In the ‘Expiring Documents‘ section of the agency, an option has been added to export the list of documents, offering the option to download this information in XLS format.
  • OP-594Split By Document Type Flag – If there is more than one event type associated with a document, this flag will be split into two different Documents.
  • OP-595 – On Chart section, the Intensity Dataset was added.
  • OP-598 – Added Supervisor field under the Client’s Manage Demographics. The supervisor will be used from the Client for Billing if enabled.
  • OP-608 – Added eQHealth field in Client’s Manage Demographics.

Version 1.3.13

January 2nd, 2024

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-577 – Prevent creation of Events with more units than allowed.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-537 – Depending on the agency data configuration, manage the possibility of showing or not valid end dates for objectives on the Datasheets.
  • OP-539 – On the Client’s Documents section, prevent to bypass the lead and lag time restriction when you try to create an event inside a non-daily document type.
  • OP-547 – Organize documents by client in alphabetical order with the option to change it, according to the desired column.
  • OP-560 – Enabled the creation of Billing Entities and Health Plans for Agency Administrators.
  • OP-564 – Show percentage change in data sheets – When the data collection method is already in Percentage, the system will show the difference.
  • OP-573 – Autocomplete Updates * Indirect Supervision → Supervision * Adding Type of Supervision → Direct or Indirect * Enable Mode of Supervision when is indirect

➕ Added:

  • OP-557Fields were added in the client management sections, taking into account the default values – we improved the size, improved the logic. In the specific case of Caregivers tab, we added more information, such as Gender and Date of birth. In the specific case of Insurance tab, we added a relationship to the client.
  • OP-563 – Added AllowEditByUser field in the Event configuration- This will prevent users from modifying events.
  • OP-569 – Within the Service Plan categories, it is possible to sort by column Name.
  • OP-570 – Added a warning alert in the User Devices section on the User – (If you see suspicious devices, change your password immediately and notify support. This section does not track location info.)
  • OP-571 – Added Mode of Training to the Autocomplete Family Training.
  • OP-574 – Added Slope to the Charts section.
  • OP-575 – Added Autolock Document feature – This will allow the document type to have an option on when the document will autolock and make it read-only when the date is reached. The time after which the document will be automatically locked after being created, can be configured on the Template documents configuration.

Version 1.3.12

December 4th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-527 – Fixed error when calculating the number of hours worked, the system computed double the total hours per day.
  • OP-529 – Fixed bug when printing the datasheets after removing the floating Charts, they were not printed.
  • OP-546 – Fixed bug when Gaps were not created before the baseline.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-501 – Task Manager will close after everything is done and will hide history.
  • OP-519 – Sticky headers on Datasheets and Charts sections.
  • OP-526 – Allow users to view all data collection types in the Data Collection Method tab.
  • OP-538 – Improved loading speed in Documents Section.
  • OP-542 – Improved loading speed.
  • OP-541 -Allowed to collect zero, in Duration (Data Collection Type) in the Data Sheets section.
  • OP-548 – Several Improvements: Removed Trading Partner ID field from Clearinghouse’s Configuration / Mark as hidden password for SFTP integration / Validate there is no Health Plan before deleting Payer / Validate that there is no Insurance before deleting Health Plan / When clicking in Batch, it will open the batch directly.

➕ Added:

  • OP-502 – The Task Manager will create a history section, when tasks are added within the platform.

Version 1.3.11

November 20th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-455 – The datasheet does not reflect inactive and discontinued Objectives.
  • OP-459 – According to the Agency’s Event Lead Time configuration, when the event is created as recurrent, the maximum end date of the event is set.
  • OP-460 – In Datasheets, do not show a given category when for a specific month they do not have at least one active item or all items in that category have been mastered.
  • OP-471 – In the documents section, download several documents from different authors in a given date range.
  • OP-494 – On Billing, the total amount is shown on the standalone claims.
  • OP-495 – In the Charts, the suggested minimum for the Y-axis can be modified.
  • OP-524 – When changing the month in the datasheets and charts, the information is updated based on the events.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-008 – Allow sorting by date within the Reports sections.
  • OP-033 – Login page updated
  • OP-048 – It is not allowed to modify a document if its date is in the future.
  • OP-056 – Allowed to request a backup for a specific set of dates.
  • OP-073 – Restricted access to documents according to the credentials added in the system.
  • OP-451 – Within the event in the Calendar, the date was added to the event title
  • OP-463 – In Reports (New) > Billing, the Billing Report is now accurate only from actual Billing Claims.
  • OP-464 – More teaching techniques have been added to the document’s Autocomplete tool.
  • OP-465 – In the Clinical tab of the client dashboard, the NPI/MPI number for referring physicians were added.
  • OP-473 – Added billing code filter selection in User and Client Report, as in Agency.
  • OP-488 – Create Agency’s Announcement only when all required fields have been filled in.
  • OP-514 – Prevented the Duration from being zero when collecting data.
  • OP-518 – Improve the visibility of labels in datasheets by replacing them with larger, bold icons.
  • OP-519 – Headers in Datasheets and Charts will not move when scrolling the page.
  • OP-522 – In the Agency Clients/Users section, the search filtering by First Name/Last Name or First Name was implemented.

➕ Added:

  • OP-043 – Attachments were added to the Agency’s Announcements.
  • OP-441 – Added a tab to capture user’s Signature on Invoices (test mode).
  • OP-444 – Allow Users to create their own Invoices (test mode).
  • OP-456 – In Reports (New)>Billing, added the total row to the downloaded PDF.
  • OP-468 – When deleting an event, the document/note linked to the event is also requested to be automatically deleted.
  • OP-472 – In Billing’s Batch claims, request claims status updated when updating the batch.
  • OP-476 – Implemented a Devices section to the Users’ Dashboard.
  • OP-477 – Added Past Invoices tab to Invoices.
  • OP-515 – Add a Repeat email field when creating users to avoid writing mistakes.
  • OP-520 – In the Agency’s Event Type Configuration, User overlapping is allowed.
  • OP-525 – Added User and Customer filter to Reports (New) > Billing

Version 1.3.10

October 4th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-421 – Allow selection of billing codes in event based on all applicable credentials associated with the provider, not only the main one.
  • OP-428 – In Datasheets, we have corrected start/end date validation for elements based on the start/end of month as it is displayed in the platform.
  • OP-431 – In the AutoComplete tool, activated the option of tomorrow, previously deactivated, in the date selector of the next session.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-416 – Verification that the service plan item has a valid category to avoid an undefined error.
  • OP-417 – Allow providers to sign in bulk more than one time in Datasheets.
  • OP-418 – Allow events to require or not to require Data Collection, avoiding collecting data from events in which it is not required.
  • OP-419 – The used units column of the authorization has been added to the Prior Authorization tab of the client configuration.
  • OP-425 – In the Autocomplete tool, it is possible to express whether the data were collected, and to restrict past dates.
  • OP-427 – In the Addresses tab of the configuration, allow only one at a time by default.

➕ Added:

  • OP-422 – Addition of the option to upload the 835 ERA file in the Billing section.
  • OP-423 – Addition of the “Per Session” indicator when setting the Smart criteria of the Service Plan objectives.
  • OP-424 – Display of the percentage variation of the data with respect to the previous month.
  • OP-429 – When the user profile is exported, the driver’s license is added to the downloaded Excel file.
  • OP-430 – Added information tab in the agency’s configuration of events and document types.

Version 1.3.9

September 4th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-385: Bug fixed on User’s Access.
  • OP-389: Autocomplete bug fixed on locations.
  • OP-396: Bug fixed the first STO shown in Charts.
  • OP-399: Bug fixed while evaluating STOs on Bulk actions
  • OP-408: Support exporting Reports to filter by Billing Codes / Added Travel Details to Excel

✅ Improved:

  • OP-383: Limiting the selectable dates of the schedule with Recurrence option.
  • OP-388: Removing the ability to change the Legal Name of the Agency.
  • OP-393: Removed decimal point if not needed.
  • OP-394: Controlling initials inside datasheets.
  • OP-398: Improved Translation to Spanish on Billing section.
  • OP-403: Allowing items in Data table to be ordered by Index.
  • OP-412: Improved Payments section supporting ADP and Paychex.
  • OP-413: Improved the visualization of the number of clients.

➕ Added:

  • OP-384: Payments’ new version with Batches.
  • OP-392: Added Export Functionality back  to Payments.
  • OP-395: Added prior authorizations to determine Calendar’s scheduling max end date.
  • OP-397: Added Description to Service Plan Category.
  • OP-400: Added a tooltip to show time-in-out on the Billing section.
  • OP-404: Added ADMIN_BILLING role.
  • OP-405: Feature to allow control Objective End Date Before End Date in Datasheets.
  • OP-406: Added Paychex Integration on Accounts.
  • OP-409: Added new Interventions to Catalog. / Added Partially-Paid Claim Status.
  • OP-410: Added private mode to Client Document’s Advanced section.
  • OP-411: Added field CAQH Number to user profile.

Version 1.3.8

August 4th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-304: Allow to update batch claim.
  • OP-305: Prevent creating Caregiver without Name.
  • OP-314: Prevent creating a Service Plan’s category without a name.
  • OP-316: Prevent bug when enabling/disabling users/clients.
  • OP-321: Fixed when two addresses have the same name.
  • OP-337: Autocomplete fixes -Move “Client was present?” to the bottom. / Replace Environmental Teaching (yes/no) with: “Teaching Techniques”, adding multiple options to select, not being used anywhere else. / Adding the Word Counter to the Output of the text generated. / Showing a warning if the generated text remains the same one added or copied to the clipboard.
  • OP-339: Fixed an error that don’t allow adding or changing addresses in the agency configuration, when the country is empty.
  • OP-341: Prevent deleting a parent event if it has a blocked child event.
  • OP-378: Bug fixed of Charts start/end of week.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-309: On Agency’s Invoices, do not show Pay option with card if the invoice is already paid
  • OP-311: Display remaining usage of units on Clinical’s Clients tab.
  • OP-315: Allow the Objectives wizard to have levels.
  • OP-323: On Agency’s Invoices, removed access to regular users.
  • OP-325: Added Spanish translations.
  • OP-326: Updated diagnosis name when changing selection.
  • OP-332: Showing a dialog when the last objective had an end date and the service plan item does not.
  • OP-338: On Required documents, changed default range to show expiring documents
  • OP-343: Removed Social Security Number on User’s Profile.
  • OP-347: Updated version of Billing, taking several improvements.
  • OP-349: On Charts section, it was removed the first dashed line.
  • OP-352: Show all goals in datasheets that were in progress and mastered for the datasheet dates
  • OP-355: Added a warning message when creating category and items with existing name
  • OP-361: Changed the Chart interval on the Datasheets’ section.
  • OP-368: Disabled the own role changing for the same user.
  • OP-379: Allowed custom diagnostics codes.

➕ Added:

  • OP-307: Allow Travel details on Events.
  • OP-308: Remove ability for users to create events, only Administrators.
  • OP-310: On Client’s section, add Summary Details.
  • OP-312: Autocomplete with ChatGPT.
  • OP-313: Added new Environmental changes and activities.
  • OP-329: Added Place of services box to User’s Calendar.
  • OP-330: Added other Currencies different from USD.
  • OP-331: Added antecedents.
  • OP-336: Added company name to the list of fields to being searched.
  • OP-344: On Agency’s Document section, added a download button next to print that will download PDF files in a ZIP file.
  • OP-351: Added new Avatars for User.
  • OP-356: Added custom status to the Service Plan’s Objectives.
  • OP-358: Added missing translation in Agency’s Configuration.
  • OP-363: Added order by last name to prevent duplicates in sorting on Users and Clients section.
  • OP-366: Added update to handle download in bulk more efficiently.
  • OP-369: Added a Rejected option in Datasheet’s bulk actions dropdown.
  • OP-373: Added driver’s license field on User’s Manage section.

Version 1.3.7

July 1st, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-286: Privileges for Administrators.
  • OP-291: Bug fixed for Safari on Calendar section.
  • OP-292: Default values to 60 hours on Event and Global configurations.
  • OP-297: Address update.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-283: Data is grayed out for specific events.
  • OP-287: Autocomplete update.
  • OP-288: Increased size of files on banners section.
  • OP-289: Updated color to info for LOCKED.
  • OP-295: Removed baseline data if interval is the same.
  • OP-296: Removed notification warning when downloading documents.
  • OP-301: For Art Therapy, Service Plan is not required to create documents.

➕ Added:

  • OP-290: Added Default date to Billing claims and Payroll invoices.
  • OP-298 & 299: Added Clearinghouses section to Agency.

Version 1.3.6

June 2nd, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-259: Icons’s fixed bug on Batch claim’s section.
  • OP-264: Prevent read name from undefined property on the Objectives.
  • OP-274: Baseline on Chart section.
  • OP-275: Datasheets won’t show baseline when it’s created from service plan.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-266: Restricting data to only Active data taking into consideration Ignored values.
  • OP-272: Improved keywords search on Agency’s Clients section.
  • OP-277: Several improvements: In Event Type settings, match the start and end times of the main event and the main location. / In Agency Billing Codes, allow Places of Service by billing codes / Change the address from name to nickname to avoid confusion / Prevent creation of sub-events directly from linked documents / In Global Event settings, allow maximum duration per day and week, consecutive days per agency / In Agency Event settings, added maximum duration per week / Added rules to Rates (provider, health plan). / In Prior Authorizations, limit the number of billing codes to one / In Objectives, when the interval is close to zero, Smart Criteria has been corrected. / In Data Collection settings, allow Show/Hide information for when data is collected.

➕ Added:

  • OP-260: Added Single as a selection option to Allow.
  • OP-268: Added Rates to the Agency’s configuration.
  • OP-270: Added Chart ID to the Invoice.
  • OP-273: Added Company name on the Payroll when exporting it.

Version 1.3.5

May 11th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-234: Set MM-DD-YYYY date format as default.
  • OP-242: Allowed multiple signatures on Datasheets.
  • OP-243: Fixed notch and generate new version.
  • OP-245: Phone field on Client’s Address.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-239: Updated the Agency/Configuration/HR_documents section to show more information.
  • OP-241: Allowing credentials to have taxonomy code.
  • OP-244: Revamped datasheets.
  • OP-246: Allowed creating by user in Autocomplete tool’s Direct implementation section.
  • OP-249: Show more details on Documents.
  • OP-250: Show Baseline values within data values in Chart’s section.
  • OP-251: Added blur class on About me section.
  • OP-252: Task split on each line.

➕ Added:

  • OP-238: Allowed travel option in the event.
  • OP-240: Restricted administrators to change the email to the providers.
  • OP-247: Added two new types of tables with the values of the data table.
  • OP-248: Added list of activities provided by customer.
  • OP-253: Added more languages and open Genders.
  • OP-254: Added more styles to the data table.

Version 1.3.4

April 10th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-212: In Calendar, the system does not display the collected data if it corresponds to a deleted service plan item.
  • OP-223: In Charts, a marker label’s bug was fixed.
  • OP-226: In Charts, a weekly interval’s bug was fixed.
  • OP-233: In Charts, a dashed line on STO’s bug was fixed.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-138: Allowed upload profile images to the system.
  • OP-205: Removed clearable from linked event select in document type modal.
  • OP-209: Showing Client’s creation date on Client’s Dashboard and Manage sections.
  • OP-211: Allow admins to import/export users and clients.
  • OP-215: Removed Box ID when creating a user.
  • OP-217: Set 2 decimal places in the total amount in the invoice modal.
  • OP-218: Display the entire sidebar on the Dashboard.
  • OP-220: Request number of interval when collecting data.
  • OP-221: Increased size of the agency logo.
  • OP-225: Enabled Max number of recordings in Task Analysis, Time Sampling and Trial datasheets.
  • OP-228: Make the agency address optional in the client address list.
  • OP-230: Active and Default option for Insurances, Diagnosis, and Physicians on Manage section.
  • OP-232: General enhancements to the Batch Claim section.

➕ Added:

  • OP-206: Added Payment Methods section on Agency’s Invoices.
  • OP-207: Added Tags in Service Plan Item + Autocomplete.
  • OP-208: Added On-site collection tab to event modal.
  • OP-210: In Documents, for Admins, the similar documents tab will be shown.
  • OP-214: Added days of the week in Cut off date, and allowed to show or not show the event info tab.
  • OP-216: Added the Restrict button in the HR document type, to restrict the user if there is any expired or missing HR document.
  • OP-219: Enabled On-site collection’s probe data.
  • OP-222: Added Chart point styles.
  • OP-224: Added the feature that signatures can be embedded with the timestamp.
  • OP-227: Added Advanced section in Client documents.
  • OP-229: Added restriction of document creation if there is no event for the same date.
  • OP-231: Added example files for importing Clients and Users.

Version 1.3.3

March 3rd, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-169: Prevent add multiple from Charts when in Single Modal Chart.
  • OP-182: Finding STO data when the period is daily.
  • OP-195: Create event and document when the user tries to create an event from documents section.
  • OP-197: Clear login cache when refreshing user.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-89: Display the number of hours worked, inside the Datasheets.
  • OP-168: Make Administrators from User’s Manage section.
  • OP-183: Change the Reset password button to inside the User’s Manage (Send button).
  • OP-188: Show multiple prior authorizations in Client’s Dashboard.
  • OP-191: Refresh data if there’s a new smart objective.
  • OP-192: Hide inactive service plan items, and add a switch to show them.
  • OP-193: Create a claim split by provider, on Billing section, Batch file.
  • OP-194: Event’s Table Revamp.
  • OP-198: Show valid end dates for STOs in Datasheets.

➕ Added:

  • OP-170: Prevent signature’s collection for future events.
  • OP-184: Adding Spanish translation of the system command and shortcuts.
  • OP-186: Add Make Admin checkbox on New User Window.
  • OP-187: Adding the Office address as Default in the event modal.
  • OP-189: Show Start at the beginning on progress bar.
  • OP-190: Make admin from Administrators, User Manage.
  • OP-196: Add particles for application customization
  • OP-199: Show the domain of the agency if the agency had it, in Configuration >> Account profile.

Version 1.3.2

February 3rd, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-118: Show the provider’s company in the payroll table.
  • OP-149: Delete button of the STO tab within the Service Plan items.
  • OP-180: Unable to create health plan. / Allowed credentials are not added when importing. / New reports do not clear previous records.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-152: Allow selection of 10 items in autocomplete service details modal.
  • OP-154: Hide the delete button in the service plan modal if the active tab is not general.
  • OP-156: Validate file uploads by size and extension (Avoid uploading documents with 0 KB).
  • OP-177: Prevent selecting an end date for STOs if it belongs to the current week.
  • OP-179: Add a new Billing section.

➕ Added:

  • OP-153: Add a creation date in the Agency Account section.
  • OP-175: Add a search bar on the library items modal when the selected category has more than 10 items.
  • OP-176: Add a word wrap function in the Datasheet description and instruction.
  • OP-181: Add a button to reset the password on the Advance tab in the User Manage section.

Version 1.3.1

January 11th, 2023

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-113: Monthly baselines in Charts.
  • OP-114: Autocomplete services being considered if previously selected.
  • OP-119: Selecting a single checkbox when printing multiple documents.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-63: Allowing to print multiple Invoices at the same time.
  • OP-116: Exporting Invoices to CSV format.

➕ Added:

  • OP-27: Selecting require signature from list of Caregivers.
  • OP-108: Adding Item’s Data description to Client’s Service Plan.
  • OP-112: Adding Objectives Summary to Service Plan’s Items.

Version 1.2.11

December 15th, 2022

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-66: Warning users about not using all Units for a given event, Table and Event modal.
  • OP-97: Saving changes when changing event info in documents.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-59: Adding physicians and addresses to client from agency.
  • OP-70: Setting physicians globally at the agency level.
  • OP-98: Adding and Showing Objectives (dataset) within Charts.

➕ Added:

  • OP-83: Adding Baseline from Collected Data.
  • OP-87: Cloning calendar week.
  • OP-99: Allow to copy from Category.

Version 1.2.10

November 14th, 2022

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-77: Allowing categories to be associated with Credentials Types, to prevent data collection by credentials not allowed.
  • OP-90: Allowing to import data separated by space/commas, semicolon, and tabs.
  • OP-92: Allowing to have cutoff dates in events.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-82: Prevention of deleting Insurance if it has Prior Authorization.
  • OP-86: Showing users and clients with restrictions.
  • OP-94: Dynamic text color for events in Calendar.

➕ Added:

  • OP-76: Addition of Trend line to Charts.
  • OP-95: On-Site Collection Rework.

Version 1.2.9

September 25th, 2022

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-60: Allowing print/download Agreements Signed as PDF.
  • OP-68: Allowing to search client by username.
  • OP-84: Ignore buffer restriction when user is working with the same client.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-67: Confirmation of the dialog about document being deleted.
  • OP-75: Prevention of deleting the Insurance if there is at least 1 Prior Authorization.

➕ Added:

  • OP-15: Addition of multiple annotations to all charts.
  • OP-22: Addition of global elements to categories.
  • OP-36: Addition of legends to charts.
  • OP-85: Addition of ADMIN_OPERATIONS role to Agencies, the mix of HR+CLINICAL without full ADMIN.

Version 1.2.8

August 15th, 2022

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-20: Change Request.
  • OP-49: Mobile Update.
  • OP-50: iOS App.
  • OP-51: Android App.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-14: Export Clients/Users improvements.
  • OP-19: Remove Restriction that locks the Event when the invoice/claim’s status is other than Created.
  • OP-26: Removal of Covid-19 from Autocomplete tool.
  • OP-46: Remove grid line in the background.

➕ Added:

  • OP-29: Adding revenue to each event.
  • OP-42: Add REJECTED notifications to HOME.
  • OP-54: Allowing to collect signature from Events if available.

Version 1.2.7

July 1st, 2022

❌ Fixed:

  • OP-23 : Bug fixing of implemented Replacement programs on Autocomplete tool.
  • OP-52 : Bug fixing for expiring Prior Authorizations, which took too long to load.

✅ Improved:

  • OP-04/05/06 : Allow a limited number of locations per Event, a limited number of Days worked per Week and a limited number of worked hours with an open number.
  • OP-40 : Showing instruction in Onsite Data Collection.
  • OP-44 : Show warning of Past Due Invoices.
  • OP-53 : Displaying only initials inside the invoices.

➕ Added:

  • OP-07 : Addition of Calendar’s option to choose date.
  • OP-17 : Addition of Tasks to Task list datasheets to display as a legend at the bottom.
  • OP-39 : Addition of Semi-Monthly Interval for Documents (every 15 days).
  • OP-41 : Add an Interval view per service plan item to display them separately on Charts.